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Our Approach

Dog training is not one size fits all and it is important that you approach every dog and family with an open mind and an open toolbox!  Our toolbox includes many different philosophies and training equipment.  The one thing that we are set on is your dog's success and using the tools and techniques that will help you and your dog reach your training goals.  

We use a balanced approach when we train dogs.  For us balance means reading the dog's body language and using both the appropriate amount of positive and negative motivation to teach your dog.  The level of motivation required is completely dependent on your dog and what motivates them.  Balance is extremely important in dog training and the motivation whether positive or negative needs to be motivational enough to change your dog's behavior without changing your dog.   We teach reliable obedience and behavior that your dog wants to do!!

Our Team

Thank you for trusting us with

Erin Compher

Owner | Lead Dog Trainer

Jessica Spencer

Senior Dog Trainer

Caitlin Koski

Senior Kennel Technician | Certified Groomer |  Dog Trainer


Kennel Technician


Kennel Technician

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